Search engine optimization has significantly changed in recent years much to the amiss of Google’s guidelines Audit your site using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom’s speed test to quickly compile a list of options to help give your site a little more zip. You may even need to review your hosting service if it’s holding you back… Anyone with a site that provides useful content and has the right network can now drive organic traffic. Though you can simply just add a tracking code to your web pages for website analytics tools to start measuring your web stats, Google Analytics (and products similar to it) have website plugins and add-ons that tremendously expand the reporting capabilities.

Quality over Quantity

One day it’s perfectly OK to work in a certain way, the next day a search engine algorithm change destroys your rankings. Luckily it’s usually possible to recover your visibility, or at least some of it, whether it’s a matter of asking for a reconsideration or changing your site so it meets the latest criteria. Stay on top of relevant trends, create “how-to” blog posts, and frequently update older content to make sure you’re continuing to serve your audience with useful and timely information even after it’s initially published. If you’re new to the SEO game it's easy to be fooled into thinking that once you get the basics down it’s easy peasy, especially when you have a few small successes right away – you’ll get an inflated sense of ego and think “I got this!”. Your analytic tools can be used to find the keywords people search for that lead them to your website. The majority of these will be the shorter keywords but you can also find long tail keywords as well. These long tail keywords will likely be relevant to your website in some way or at least an area of it but probably won’t actually be keywords you’ve actually targeted.

Checking for Links for SEO

Amazon search and YouTube & Video search need to be taken into account, as search share of voice is given more to platforms other than Google. Many website owners neglect to spend the time analyzing how their page structure actually looks and works for the visitor. Despite countless claims over the years that have proclaimed the death of link building it is still very much alive and kicking. Not only is it still alive but it remains one of the most important ranking factors and is in the top two factors in Google’s ranking algorithm. Over the years there have been many dubious link building practices such as link farming, buying links, comment linking on blogs and many other low effort practices. A picture can be worth a thousand words, they say. Well, when it comes to online marketing, a single image can be worth a thousand links!

How To Analyse Backlinks

When a website wants a piece of content to be representative of a “thing” – like a profile page, an event page, or a job posting – its code needs to be marked up properly. Search engine spiders typically attempt to access your site a number of times each day. If they try to do so during a period when your hosting server is down, the attempt will of course fail. If this happens too often, your site will be flagged by the search engine as unreliable, which of course affects your ranking. Scan through your website and make a list of all the relatable keywords.Then, make a list of all the potential keywords keeping your niche in mind. If you are already clear with your business/product/service offerings, then keyword selection is all the more easy. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "Great content never sleeps, never needs a lunch break and is adored by search engines and customers alike."

Google ranking factors

When your website or website’s content gets shared on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube, it is considered a social signal or citation. As we know that Google optimizes its results for user intent, hence, this is a way to know what content the searchers are looking for when they make a search for a keyword. Make a note of the things that you can implement in your content. More and more we are seeing the use of keyword clustering from sites that are making it beyond the scope of mediocre search results and traffic margins. Positive reviews are an important local SEO ranking factor that improves your business visibility on Google.