On a basic level, a website with good user experience has easy navigation, interesting, useful and valuable content, an aesthetically pleasing design and has quick and easy access to other pages and content on the site. Organic traffic is free, which is why it is best if you focus on attaining it for your web page. Search engine spiders typically attempt to access your site a number of times each day. If they try to do so during a period when your hosting server is down, the attempt will of course fail. If this happens too often, your site will be flagged by the search engine as unreliable, which of course affects your ranking. The search engines will act rapidly to penalize sites that contain viruses or trojans.

Find Keywords People Already Use for Your Business

Search engines place a lot of weight on the content of each web page. After all, it is this content that defines what a page is about, and the search engines do a detailed analysis of each web page they find during a crawl to help make that determination Websites with fresh content added on a regular basis are given more authority, and rank higher in the search results. Fresh content tells Google you are maintaining your website. A Google research recently revealed that four out of five users trust search engines for local searches Look for pages that have excessive links. Google advises 100 per page as a maximum, although it is OK to increase that on more important and heavily linked-to pages.

Leverage the power of social media and watch your rankings soar!

People won't link to your content unless they see it. At the same time, you need the right people in front of your content; not everyone is a potential linker. Using social media for your business has numerous benefits, but it’s never been more important for SEO than today. Search engines are measuring social signals such as likes, favorites, shares, retweets and +1s to determine valuable, search-worthy results. According to experts, we should expect high-quality social media posts to rise higher and higher in search results. To avoid spreading yourself too thin, consider focusing a majority of your social efforts on two platforms, or hiring a part-time social media expert. If you website is new, however, or you have a low domain authority, just posting a blog to your site is going to have hardly any benefit from an SEO perspective. Researching your audience will give you an idea of their interests, wants, needs and how they respond to certain words and phrases. Doing A/B testing is a great way to see what title is most successful with your audience.

All Attention is Good Attention

It’s no coincidence that the highest-volume keywords also tend to have the highest amount of competition, and of course, the higher the competition, the harder it’s going to be to rank for that keyword. The readability of your content has to do with the simplicity of its language, the lack of grammatical or syntactical errors, and the sentence structure. Online readability tests allow you to learn the “reading age” someone needs to understand your content. Develop SEO-enabled content from creation that is ready to deliver across all devices. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "Building an email list is important for most businesses. Email allows you to reach your customers directly, immediately, and for free."

Limit your searches to a specific high level domain

Your site navigation should be present and easily identifiable. Visitors should be able to navigate your site with ease, and ideally, be able to get to any page on your site with no more than 3 clicks. This provides a quick and easy user experience and ensures visitors don’t have to spend an eternity trying to find what they’re looking for. The key is to consistently deliver value so that people come to your site for answers. And this is also ironically what will get other good sites to link to your site. This is the perfect example of ‘emergent SEO’. Google cares the most about editorial links, or links included in article body copy, and they place particular emphasis on in-content links over links in sidebars, footers, or other places on your website. The job of an SEO specialist doesn’t stop with a couple of website tweaks and a few links scattered around the internet. Instead, the specialist has to be on the ball, constantly looking for trends like those noted above and finding new ways to maximize website traffic.