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Evaluate Your Site Speed

For SEO to truly work and be sustainable, it needs to include a process of build up. Any SEO consultant who says otherwise is fooling you. SEO is an ongoing effort, but one that is totally worth it. Excessive link exchange ("Link to me and I'll link to you") or …

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How to Use Google Plus to Get Better Rankings

Aside from offering users the best insights possible, high-quality content goes hand in hand with your backlink profile--a key element of SEO. The more links that you amass back to your website from other authoritative websites, the greater the likelihood is of improving the visibility your website receives in search …

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What effect does backlink indexing have?

Browser caching is about how a browser remembers / stores your website for faster visiting the next time you come to that website. Submitting a sitemap to search engines reflecting any updates will certainly aid your cause. According to Google, a sitemap is “ a file where you can list the web …

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Ranking high in the search engines is tough.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that keywords can really keep web pages focused, which is important in SEO. We look at buyer persona behavior, industry trends, competitors and more to build a list of targeted terms, and then we focus on one term per page. In …

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Do the split testing method

A sitemap is a file that tells exactly how crawlers should crawl your website. For example, if there is a page that does not get linked to your website but you still want the crawler to crawl it then you would simply include it in your sitemap file to tell …

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Offer tips that apply to specific geographic or demographic audiences

The traffic information from different search engines helps you make timely changes in the semantic core, and allocate budget and efforts to promote the significant keywords only. Domain Authority is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result …

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Backlinks just to your homepage

Importance and relevance aren’t determined manually (those trillions of man-hours would require the Earth’s entire population as a workforce). Instead, the engines craft careful, mathematical equations—algorithms—to sort the wheat from the chaff and to then rank the wheat in order of quality. Creative, interesting, and informational …

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Link, link and link some more

Focus on building trust as opposed to trying to bend and break the rules. That way, you rise above Google's often-changing rules which are getting better and better at finding people who are looking for shortcuts. The main text content on the page must be unique to avoid Google’s …

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How are you supposed to do this?

SEO and user experience (UX) go together. A solid SEO strategy based on careful analytics analysis will boost your website’s search results rankings which will result in more eyes seeing your website. A good user experience will lead to more users visiting, staying on and converting on your website …

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Create an e-book or guide every two months

Technical SEO is work improving the non-content parts of your website. These tend to be the elements behind the scenes that visitors don’t see (but often affect their experience of the website!) Many small business owners balk at video marketing because they think that their business isn’t “video …

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Go forth and broadcast your knowledge and reap the benefits of your labor

Google pays attention to third-party expert testimonials from independent sources – reviews, references, news articles. Recommendations from professional societies, are strong evidence of very positive reputation. Don’t try to improve your website’s reputation by buying links or deliberately sharing links. Google has become very good at detecting these types …

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Group your target keywords into 3 different buckets

Alt attributes are the text alternatives to your image which will appear if your image fails to load, or if the user is accessing your site with an assistive device such as a screenreader. Because web crawlers don’t have eyes, they’re also what search engines “see” instead of …

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SEO + design = greatness

Google Panda and Penguin stopped keyword stuffing in its tracks making it not just not ideal but counter productive. The quality and quantity of links you have pointing to your site has a direct bearing on how highly it ranks in organic search results. You need to understand what keyword …

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Google always prefers the website that loads quickly

Many moons have passed since search engines interpreted information solely on simple information like keyword density, but keyword stuffing is still prevalent on many sites. Because there has been quite some news about Google’s Penguin update and before that its Panda update, people are blaming those. Community hijacking involves …

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