Getting your content out there and shared generously should be your goal. Make sure the content is better than what already is ranking for your keywords; provide unique value and a fresh perspective on the topic. Consider your exposure options for your content, and get your content out to as many options as possible. How do you write a clickable title that will draw people to your site and keep them on there without sounding salesy or cheesy? Your page title should be naturally descriptive and contain the right keywords. Most SEOs place this near the top in terms of ranking power. It's also important to ensure the title is catchy because this tag is what Google often shows in the search results. This means make it click-worthy! And the fact is all of your copy needs to be buttoned up. You need a lot of keywords that are worked in naturally without keyword stuffing. A common tactic is creating dozens, if not hundreds of short backlink-containing articles, which are then placed in blogs and websites that have been created for the express purpose of SEO.

Search Engines are the mastermind behind the games of SEM and SEO!

Content freshness matters. Keeping your content up to date helps search engines understand that your site is accurate today. The entire mentality of a search engine is to provide the best possible result to the searcher that satisfies their original search query. They do this by evaluating a site’s content in reference to the search and the quality of the site and its content. The quality and quantity of links you have pointing to your site has a direct bearing on how highly it ranks in organic search results. We use keyword research to identify potentially useful queries for which a site is not receiving traffic. Keyword research is often abused by aggressive Web marketers who pursue an endless keyword strategy. Endless Keyword marketing continually adds keyword targets to a Website’s list of desired queries. This leads to an overabundance of content production and production standards suffer.

Don’t guess your site speed problems; diagnose

Among many factors that a search engine considers to rank the website, a backlink is one of the most important factors considered by the popular search engines to rank the website. Many moons have passed since search engines interpreted information solely on simple information like keyword density, but keyword stuffing is still prevalent on many sites. Keyword research is still useful for example but we now know that Google doesn ’t want us to overly stuff our website with those search terms. Instead, the recommendation hovers at around 1-2% keyword density. If you write a long article and include the search term a few times, then that should be enough as long as it’s also in your code a little, or in your file name. Cloaking refers to an attempt to boost search result rankings by serving different content to Googlebot than to regular users. This causes problems such as less relevant results (pages appear in search results even though their content is actually unrelated to what users see/want), so Google takes cloaking very seriously.

Social sharing

Social media sharing has become immensely powerful, and you simply can't afford to ignore it. Make sure that every element of every page's URL is clear and descriptive, and include simple ways for visitors to share what they've discovered with their peers. A good search agency will help you to create a site that is easily accessible from all platforms, increasing your reach and authority. The only way unethical SEO techniques are ever going to be eradicated is when Google themselves get clever enough to work out how to tweak their algorithm to ensure these tactics no longer work. Don’t get me wrong. Google have come a long way during the past few years in stamping out unethical SEO spam but they are far from ensuring none of it works. In milliseconds, search engines assess a number of elements — images, keywords, content, metadata, links, etc. — before delivering results. Ever wonder how a small handful of lucky websites make it to the first page of Google’s search results? It’s because they were deemed the best resources for your search query — using an unimaginably complex version of the system described above. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "Make sure that your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting or use IIS redirect for Windows. Ideally make it so that the URLs describe your content."

Authorship may be the future of search

Do you sponsor any events? Ensure you get a link from their website to yours as part of the deal. There are many ways to market your business online and they all work in very different ways. One of the best options for new businesses is called search engine optimisation or SEO for short. This is the process of improving your website position in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. SEO takes time to work as it is all about building up the reputation of your website. There are hundreds of different ranking factors that search engines, like Google, consider as part of their algorithm when deciding what results to return for a given search query. Being aware of how SERPs work, having an understanding of user intent, utilizing Google’s AMP, designing a responsive site as well as tracking the analytics of your desktop and mobile sites separately are great ways to begin or better your mobile strategy.