As touched upon before - backlinks are simply links from other websites directing viewers to your site. Search engines love these. Find out which pages on your competitor’s site are bringing in the most backlinks, social shares, and traffic. Google defines duplicate content as large blocks of text used across multiple pages, or even other websites, that are exactly the same or very similar. Simply put, you don’t want to use large blocks of the same text on more than one page of your website. Guest posting as a tactic has a dual benefit. First, it helps you reach the target audience of blogs who have similar audiences as yours. Second, it helps you get backlinks to your site so you can drive up your search engine rankings.

Advanced off-site SEO principles

Google knows that if a page takes too long to load, visitors are likely to click away or go back. Now, Google tends to place other factors above site speed, but while it’s not the number one factor, if your site loads slowly it’s definitely something you will want to address. It’s vital to double-check spelling and grammar with a thorough spell-check AND proof-read from a fresh pair of eyes. Google will probably spot multiple glaring mistakes, but more importantly if you’re making multiple typos then visitors will trust your content less. Don't limit your ideas; brainstorm whatever subjects and phrases could lead the kinds of visitors you want to your site. Type them into a spreadsheet. Your brainstorming will "prime the keyword pump." To be a part of the party, make sure your business website uses structured data markup.

Use dynamically generated page titles for database-driven websites

There’s not a one-size-fits-all, or quick-and-easy way to rank fast in Google. SEO secrets boil down to creating great content that will naturally earn authority and that is optimized for both users and search engines, and wrapping that content in an experience and quality website design that fosters engagement. Search Engine Marketing can be defined as a method of promoting or marketing of one’s site to increase its visibility and traffic or, in other words, gain higher rankings on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) of any Search Engine. As you’re developing high-quality content, you’ll need to pay some attention to search engine optimization, or SEO. Your content needs to contain words and phrases that people might type into a search engine. It takes time for Google to recognize your website and assign it the authority it deserves. It takes time for it to see that changes have been made, compare the quality of your website and your content to everyone else in the same space.

Compare duplicate content to being on a crossroad

An HTML sitemap (as opposed to an XML sitemap) is often mentioned as being useful for SEO. They certainly are if you use them wisely (and especially Bing seems to like them at times), but I like them even more for the fact that users like them a lot. Use your keywords in the meta-tags, web page title, sub-headers and web content. Make your web content unique. A keyword density of 1-3% and word count of more than 400 words is ideal for on-page optimization. Create a sitemap page to make search engines spiders love your web pages. This helps in indexing the internal pages fast. The key to boosting visibility and SEO is staying active. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "In a nutshell, the combination of seamless user experience with quality content can have a very positive impact on your SEO rankings."

Be sure you've considered every possible angle

Whenever I speak to people about SEO, the number one question that I get asked is, “What’s the most important factor to rank number one in Google?” But the blogging holy grail is just this: A quality blog improves your Google ranking, which will draw leads to your website and encourage them to make purchases. Using structured data, you can serve Google your address details in the most convenient way. For those seeking to sway public (or private) opinion about a particular topic, SEO can be a powerful tool. By promoting ideas and content within the search results for queries likely to be made by those seeking information about a topic, you can influence the perception of even very large groups.