Ensuring that your piece of content explores the topic fully across many relevant sub-topics, and doesn’t only provide a thin/generic answer, will help with discovery and perceived value. Think about SEO from the perspective of the minds behind Google. Through deep learning, the goals of the developers behind Google is to generate search results that genuinely benefit the user. Keyword mapping involves hierarchically classifying the keywords pertinent to your website by intent, relevance and significance, then segmenting them still further into groups and subgroups. The aim is to reach a point where each keyword you use can be closely associated with a single, specific page on your website, which should contain content that closely matches the keyword. Make sure you add responsive mobile URLs to your sitemap. Mobile friendly pages tend to rank higher for mobile search results, therefore inform the Search Engines which pages on your website is mobile friendly.

Only build citations for real physical locations

Vertical search is the term people sometimes use for specialty or niche search engines that focus on a limited data set. Examples of vertical search solutions provided by the major search engines are image, video, news, and blog searches. If you want to get good rankings on Google, you must make sure that Googlebot can correctly index your web pages. If web crawlers can easily crawl your web pages, you will get better results. Long tail keywords might not have the popularity or perceived importance of regular keywords but they can be very effective when utilised correctly. Using long tail keywords can give you the edge over your competitors and there are numerous benefits to using them. Keep in mind you will rank faster for long tail keywords and these often result in higher conversions. When optimizing sites for SEO most people concentrate on text searches, ignoring the vast number of image searches performed each day.

Page load is an important SEO factor

Search engines don’t like familiar or generic content. Work with Google to provide your users with the most relevant, well-informed and entertaining answers to their questions. Optimizing for search engines and creating keyword-targeted content helps a site rank for key search terms, which typically leads to direct traffic and referring links as more and more people find, use, and enjoy what you’ve produced. Don’t overstuff your page with keywords and phrases, while shoe-horning in as many variations as possible. Instead write something a reader can genuinely engage with and enjoy or learn from.

Look at underperforming but related posts on your site

Websites that are popular and have a lot of links shared on social media tend to perform well on the search engines. These sharing signals are picked up by the search engines which look at the links being shared to help assess the popularity of a webpage and whether it is authoritative. Once upon a time, marketers focused on strategizing which keywords to place across their web presence in order to increase their rankings in a search engine results page (SERP). Despite previous assumptions, a link from a 301 redirected page shouldn’t lose any PageRank compared to a link from a non-301 redirected page. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: " If you’re a business, it may be a good idea to start a blog on your website. Not only will this keep your site up-to-date with fresh content and encourage repeat visits (and increase the frequency of search engine crawlers), but also show that you’re a relevant, trustworthy business."

Use your key phrases in as many URLs as possible

Artificial intelligence will become more ubiquitous, so SEO specialists must grasp firsthand knowledge on machine learning and automation. Earning links is not about following a static link building strategy for a long time. In the landscape of Google’s ever changing algorithms, sticking with just one or two tactics for link building is not going to help you in any way. There is definitely no hard and fast rule or way to get you tons of high valued and qualified links. When you or your SEO Company creates links – make them hefty and serious. They should actually be almost a pain to get, whether through outreach, guest posting, or by deliberating with someone in your network to include a link back to your site. These things, when worth something for real will either take… money, time, or effort. If they don’t, they aren’t worth it. When writing your articles, you need to keep in mind two things: first is your reader, next are the search engines. You need to make sure that both aspects are taken care of. Make it easy for your readers to understand and digest what you have to say.