Librarians to marketers

An SEO specialist should know how long content needs to be and to avoid keyword stuffing. Website Optimization is about more than just making a page easier for users to browse through and navigate. There are also several things a website manager can do to optimize the website for their …

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How can you enhance the user experience?

With the likes of Google Analytics and other tracking software, it can be much easier to measure the reach and success of your local SEO efforts than it is to measure the success of non-digital marketing methods. With methods such as flyer drops and broadcast advertising, which tend to require …

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Stay Focused on the Long-Term

The higher the organic search traffic the better, as more traffic means more people reading your blog post. A guest post on a website with traffic is similar to being featured in a newspaper, the larger the newspaper the more people will hear about what you have to say. Link …

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Include relevant keywords into headings and subheadings

There are increasing opportunities to use schema markups, depending on your niche. There are numerous schema opportunities for news, recipes, and even fitness video. As time goes on, there will increasingly be more and more opportunities to use schema to enhance your website, tell Google more about your website and …

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Determining Relevance: Trust Your Gut

By putting out content, not only does it help you create brand awareness, foster relationships with customers and attract new ones, it also helps you stand out from the competition. Analyze search engine rankings and web traffic to determine the effectiveness of the programs you’ve implemented, including assessment of …

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Editorial Links

Find out which channels are driving traffic to your competition . Organic traffic refers to visits that come to your site when a user clicks on an unpaid search engine result. The key is that these visits are free. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is your means to maximising your access to …

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Search For Broken Link Building Opportunities On Yahoo

Although SEO is not a cure-all for businesses, it can fit into a company’s overall business strategy in several critical ways Page content refers to all the information contained in a website. Page content can be displayed as text, links, images, audio, animation or videos among other things. Organizations …

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Go forth and broadcast your knowledge and reap the benefits of your labor

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for a search engine optimization strategy. Every company, whether large or small, needs to first set some specific business goals and objectives. From there, it’s possible to find your marketing opportunities and set a strategy that matches your current size and goals for growth …

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Every web page is an opportunity to capture a customer.

Google has been focused on semantic search and now uses something called Latent-Semantic Indexing (LSI) in its core Hummingbird engine. Increase visibility to new content you create by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content (both internally and from external sites). You can initiate a productive …

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Group your target keywords into 3 different buckets

Alt attributes are the text alternatives to your image which will appear if your image fails to load, or if the user is accessing your site with an assistive device such as a screenreader. Because web crawlers don’t have eyes, they’re also what search engines “see” instead of …

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SEO states the requirements. Content marketing fulfills them

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. Whether you’re switching domain names, restructuring your URLs (more on that in the next section), or consolidating content as part of your website redesign, setting up 301 redirects is crucial to ensuring any “SEO juice” from your …

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Add mobile URLs to Sitemap for SEO

Google scores ‘fresh content’ that’s updated regularly in a different way to a news article that doesn’t change. Each time you write an informative article related to your site’s topic, you should distribute it to a number of article directories. When you do that, you are making …

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How do you make a Google friendly heading?

Mobile SEO should always be a work in progress because there are always new things to improve. Also, technologies arrive or get discarded. The days of stuffing keywords into bad content and having it rank are long gone. Now your content needs to focus on your target persona and your …

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The title should be true to the content found on the page

Follow links are links that Google bots and humans can follow. The bot reaches the links and then continues onto the next page, bringing some value from the source site. Most companies use SEO to increase website traffic, which in turn, increases revenue. Great content never sleeps, never needs a …

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Set-up Search Console (Webmaster Tools) Account

In milliseconds, search engines assess a number of elements — images, keywords, content, metadata, links, etc. — before delivering results. Ever wonder how a small handful of lucky websites make it to the first page of Google’s search results? It’s because they were deemed the best resources for your search …

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Limit your searches to a specific high level domain

On a basic level, a website with good user experience has easy navigation, interesting, useful and valuable content, an aesthetically pleasing design and has quick and easy access to other pages and content on the site. Organic traffic is free, which is why it is best if you focus on …

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Authorship may be the future of search

Getting your content out there and shared generously should be your goal. Make sure the content is better than what already is ranking for your keywords; provide unique value and a fresh perspective on the topic. Consider your exposure options for your content, and get your content out to as …

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Find the Right Keyword to Content Ratio

Different search queries with different intent will result in different results. Google has become so sophisticated that when a web user searches for a “How to find organic foods” he or she will get a different results page than if he or she typed in the search query “where is …

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Main keywords and sub-keywords

Search engines are the primary method of navigation for most Internet users. For great search engine optimization, a good rule of thumb for any B2B firm’s content strategy is to present itself as a credible expert. Standard SEO advice is to keep the site architecture as flat as possible …

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Have a Site Map and Text-only Navigation

Search engines constantly tweak their algorithms to try to balance relevancy algorithms based on topical authority and overall authority across the entire web. Sites may be considered topical authorities or general authorities. On-page optimization is one part of search engine optimization and, as the name suggests, it covers all the …

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