Figuring out which keywords you should focus on to get the most traffic to your site can be rather daunting. For many people, it’s hard to assess their chances to rank in the search engines. Using SEO best practices should be a part of your foundation when it comes to creating content, not only on your website, but with your social media posts as well. Arguably, one of the most crucial aspects of on-page SEO is tags. Whether it’s title tags, header tags, meta tags or blog post tags, they have been demonstrated to increase traffic and boost engagement. SEO is simply the process of getting website traffic from “free” or “organic” search results in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. All major search engines have primary search results that are ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. SEO helps maximize the number of visitors to a particular website or page by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Low hanging linkbait fruit

Audit your site using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom’s speed test to quickly compile a list of options to help give your site a little more zip. You may even need to review your hosting service if it’s holding you back… You want your company’s name to be one of the first results that they see. As a rule of thumb, the easier you acquire a link, the less value it will likely have. You have to think outside of the box (link building is not just guest posting). Keywords should appear in important on-page elements like the page title, heading, image alt text, and naturally throughout the page copy, but you should still be sure to craft each of these items for humans, not search engines

Competitive keywords

Artificial intelligence will become more ubiquitous, so SEO specialists must grasp firsthand knowledge on machine learning and automation. Local businesses can’t be fully evaluated on the basis of links. So you want your site to be among those most relevant for the keywords relevant to your business. Ideally you want to be towards the top of the first page of the search results as people do not often look further than that. To keep it simple you can use a link shortener that 301s such as, or if you want to spend a little more time you can set up your own site and 301 the traffic from a certain page to your money site.

Keyword at the Beginning of URL

Google is looking for authoritative sites that are actual businesses that are getting legitimate visitors to their site. In the past, creating keyword rich anchor text used to be considered an effective strategy as long as they were on relevant sites. However, those days are long gone! Now, any keyword rich anchor text that you create on your own goes against Google’s guidelines. Design your site for all device types and sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Use the mobile friendly testing tool to test how well your pages work on mobile devices, and get feedback on what needs to be fixed. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "Like any good SEO campaign, your optimization strategy should be dictated by your campaign goals. If your top level goals are straight-forward, such as increase revenue, then decide which optimization path is going to be the most effective based on your business."

Strategic partnerships are already available that can easily triple your monthly retainers

Voice search is picking up steam. You can now use your voice to search the web, play music, navigate home, order sushi or get the latest football results. Adding a single search bar to the top of a website, one which shows up on every page throughout that website, is a good way to allow users to search through a website for whatever particular content they want, whenever the urge to search hits them. Before you accept posts from guest writers, double-check they haven’t been published elsewhere. Bloggers probably aren’t acting unscrupulously if they have been previously published, they may just not understand that this can cause search visibility problems. Structured data, sometimes referred to as schema markup, are codes which are added to websites to provide search engines with in-depth information about your products, your business offering, prices of your products, location-based offerings and much more.