Engagement with a website began to emerge as a ranking factor with the release of the Panda update by Google on February 23, 2011 The search engines attempt to measure the quality and uniqueness of a website’s content. One method they may use for doing this is evaluating the document itself. ou can find out the same by tracking the keywords that users are typing in the search bar on your website. You can get a nice long list of keywords from there. Find out the information your users are searching for. Do you provide that information on your website? Is your website giving the users all that they are looking for? Ask yourself these questions. Search engine results are in a constant state of flux as rankings for individual pages and sites go up and down, outdated content fades and new pages are published. That means you'll probably notice a normal ebb and flow in your site rankings, especially if you're lower down in the results.

This is the first impression that your site visitors will have

Google’s Search Console (previously known as Webmaster Tools) and Analytics are both incredibly valuable tools for optimising your site and monitoring its SEO success. Based on some online surveys, SEO is one of the most significant marketing activity for modern marketers and companies are hugely investing in SEO. Page copy should be informative and of interest to you readers. Don’t write it just for the robots, write for the humans that will be visiting. Yes you need to include keywords here but only if they make sense. Once again, do not keyword stuff your copy, you’ll only get yourself penalised. Cramming popular search terms into your blog isn’t enough anymore, businesses need to spend time creating meaningful copy.

Claim and finetune your Google My Business listing

Create a list of the top 10 keywords for which you want to achieve rankings. Do a search once a month on Google and see where you stand in the rankings. Keep a record of the ranking and you will be able to see the progress of your SEO efforts. Note jumps by more than five places in the ranking, because these changes are not usually due just to normal changes and search engine updates. Link Building is arguably one of the easiest steps to Search Engine Optimization, since links don’t really need to be written or phrased in a certain way. We’ve all been frustrated by sites that load slowly, or won’t load at all, on slower data connections. Sites that load quickly help build positive digital engagement with your business, and there’s some evidence to suggest that both load time and engagement with your content improve your rankings. .The concept of searcher’s intent is no new. We have seen the focus shifting from SEO to understanding searcher’s intent to provide better user experience. After the release of Google Panda and Google Penguin update, SEOs have started focussing on user experience rather solely on Search Engines.

Title Tag Issues

SEO is connected to strong sales funnels and often shows a high return on investment (ROI). With all that said…SEO is still all about content and links. Without amazing content, you’ll never get links. And without links, you won’t crack the first page. A company may be able to identify thousands of keywords worth optimizing—but do they have a big enough SEO budget to handle that workload? According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "The size of your images can have a big impact on your overall site speed (which is an important search ranking factor)."

Its true content is the reality of optimisation

Since the ascent of Google as the world’s #1 search engine, links have been the primary concern of most SEO practitioners. In order to get the most success with search engines, you need to speak their language. They don’t care how pretty your site is or how much blood, sweat, and tears went into creating it. Sad but true. However, they do care about the keywords you use on your web pages so make sure you use them properly. Weave them throughout the text in a natural way and use variations just to cover the entire basis. Longer sentences are hard to follow onscreen. When possible, break longer sentences into multiple shorter sentences. Make sure content is not buried inside rich media (Adobe Flash Player, JavaScript, Ajax) and verify that rich media doesn't hide links from crawlers.